- To akcesorium do oscylacyjnego narzędzia wielofunkcyjnego jest przeznaczone do szlifowania materiałów ceramicznych, w szczególności klejów i zapraw do okładzin ceramicznych.
- Wielofunkcyjne narzędzia oscylacyjne i akcesoria z serii Yato Quick Release Syste

This accessory for the oscillating multifunction tool is designed for sanding ceramic materialsóin particularóadhesivesómortar for ceramic cladding.
Multifunctional oscillating tools and accessories from the Yato Quick Release System series allow for quick, tool-free replacement of accessoriesós, making work much easier and faster. Yato Quick Release System accessories work best with compatible Yato equipment, especiallyólly YT-82220.
Also, Yato Quick Release System accessories are compatible with most equipment available on the market, especiallyólly with Bosch OIS-compatible tools. Yato Quick Release system accessories, even when used with a conventional allen-screw attachment, make work easier because they can be attached when the screw is loosened, rather than when the screw is fully removed, as is the case with competitorós accessories.
Multifunctional oscillating tools are the most versatile tools on the market. Using Yato's wide range of accessoriesós, they can be used for cutting, plunge-cutting, sanding, removing mortar and adhesives, scraping off paint coatings and working in places that are inaccessible to other equipment. They achieve all this thanks to high-frequency oscillation of the accessoryóso you retain full control over the tool (there is no „recoil” typical of rotary cutting) and with minimal vibration.
In the case of multifunction tools, it is the accessory that determines the usefulness of the device. It extends its capabilities, but also the quality of the accessory has the greatest impact on the performance of the equipment. Convenience is also very important, any user of the device with the ability to change accessoriesów without tools will appreciate this feature.

Usage warnings:
Warning! Always use personal safety equipment at work.