- Palnik gazowy dekarski zasilany gazem propan lub propan butan. Urządzenie wyposażone w rękojeść z regulacją płomienia Obciążenie cieplne to 58 kW, a temperatura płomienia wynosi od 800 do 1200º C. Wąż o długości 5 m.

Long roofing burner with 60mm nozzle 73342, designed for professionals covering large areas of roofs with roofing felt. The length of the burner allows you to work in a standing position, high thermal efficiency / nozzle fi 60mm /, perfectly accelerates the work. The handle has a special valve that closes the gas supply when the burner is put down. This solution results in great savings in gas consumption.
Gas burner designed, heating, drying and roofing work. Thanks to the power supply with compressed butane cylinders (it is also possible to supply with a mixture of propane-butane gases), it is possible to work in places without energy sources.
Powered by a cylinder of compressed butane (it is also possible to supply with a mixture of propane-butane gases), it is possible to work in places without energy sources Package contents Purpose of use Mount the device according to the instruction manual. Tighten the hose to the assembled device. Tighten the other end of the hose to the gas cylinder. Tighten the hose to the gas cylinder Check the tightness of the connections by slightly unscrewing the cylinder valve, then apply soapy water to the connections. If gas bubbles appear, turn off the gas supply and tighten the leaking connections. Repeat the procedure until complete gas tightness is ensured Tighten the gas valve in the cylinder, then unscrew the appliance valve, but only enough to allow the gas outlet. Ignite the gas at the outlet of the cup. To do this, use a special lighter designed for lighting portable gas burners . After about 20 seconds, press the burner lever). If the flame is too short, adjust the gas pressure with the burner valve. After releasing the lever, the flame will return to economy mode. After finishing work, turn off the cylinder valve, and then, after the flame is extinguished, set aside (put down) the burner on a non-flammable surface to cool down. After cooling down, proceed with maintenance. Details of installation, operation and maintenance of the device in the attached instruction manual. Usage warnings:
Use only in well-ventilated rooms.
Please read the instructions before using this device.