- Profesjonalna dźwignia wykonana z aluminium, przeznaczona do unoszenia płyt gipsowo kartonowych podczas montażu . Polecana również do osadzania drzwi. Może być także wykorzystywana przy wstępnym unoszeniu ciężkich skrzyń , palet i innych przedmiotów.

Professional lever made of aluminum, designed to lift drywall during installation.
Wide base and large fixing stirrup, covering each work shoe superbly facilitates the lifting of installed panels or embedded doors.
By pressing the lever with the foot, we lift and hold the installed panel a few centimeters up. We can pre-fasten it in this position. A special stirrup encompassing the shoe, enables hands-free maneuvering, lifting and moving of the plate. A great advantage is that the use of a lever, allows one person to perform these operations.
Another practical use of the lever is to use it when setting doors on hinges. By pressing the lever with a foot, we lift the door standing on it to the desired height and, freely maneuvering, put it on the hinges.
The lever can also be used to make the door more stable
We can also use it for setting furniture or lifting other heavy objects.