
The saber saw blade cuts wood and particleboard lengthwise at maximum speed (6TPI), without the vibration found with traditional narrow blades.
Total length of 230 mm gives you the ability to cut through wood and particleboard lengthwise at a right angle.
The overall length of 230 mm makes it possible to cut workpieces such as squared timber, round timbers or masonry and rafters up to 200 mm thick evenly at a right angle.
It is ideal for work on carports, garden houses, roofs or formwork work.
The power and precision of the cutter is also very important
The strength and precision of the combination of this blade with the power of a saber saw makes it easier, safer and less expensive to cut through all kinds of wood and panel parts than using, for example, a chain saw, where the chain quickly needs to be resharpened after contact with the ground or sand.
The saw blade has a very high cutting speed, which makes it easier to cut through wood and panels than using, for example, a chain saw, where the chain quickly needs to be resharpened after contact with the ground or sand
The blade has a tool holder, standard for all saber saws, which holds the tool firmly and allows it to be mounted in two positions: teeth down or teeth up (makes it easier to cut, for example, roof soffit from underneath).