
MMA 200A PFC inverter welder with power factor correction module, advanced features and DC TIG LIFT welding option with pulse. The PFC module reduces the interference given off to the mains and lowers reactive energy consumption. As a result, we minimise the risk of welding repairs in areas with sensitive electronics, and use the full potential of the welder (maximum amperage) even on a 50 metre extension cord. Suitable for rutile, cellulose and alkaline electrodes.
Basic information:
- welding current: 10-200 A
- recommended electrode diameter: 1.6 – 4.0 millimeters
- electrode holder up to 200 A, cable cross-section 16mm2, length 3 metres
- ground bracket up to 300 A, cable cross-section 16mm2, length 3 metres
- connection cable: H07RN-F 3G2.5mm2, length 2.5 metres
- efficiency: 80%
- power factor: 0.93
- adjustable shoulder strap
- dimensions: 350x138x270 mm
- weight: 6.2kg
PFC Module:
Lowers energy consumption, reduces current harmonics. YT-81358 will draw 7.1 kVA at a maximum setting of 200 A. A welder with the same welding current, without the PFC module, will draw approximately 9.9 kVA. Almost 3 kVA more at 230 volts is a huge problem for both the electrical system and the generators. In many cases, the maximum amperage of the welder will not be achievable due to tripping of the installation's overcurrent protection, a high voltage drop (especially for installations with cable cross-sections smaller than 4mm2) or throttling of the generator.
- DC Pulse
- Real Hot Start with regulation
- Real Arc Force with adjustment
- Anti stick
- voltage modes for basic, cellulose and acid electrodes
- overheating protection, fan on demand
Description of the function:
DC pulse - pulse welding. The welding current alternately reaches the base and peak levels in an orderly manner. This reduces the overall heat input to the material to be welded and reduces spatter. Facilitates welding of metals with high thermal conductivity as well as thinner metals without burning/burning holes. In addition, narrower and deeper welds can be achieved on thicker metals. The YT-81358 has adjustable pulse frequency from 1 to 100 Hz and peak and base current power values relative to the algorithm for a given setting from 10 to 50%.
Hot start - when the electrode is applied to the material to be welded, the welder increases the welding current for a fraction of a second, which greatly facilitates arc ignition. The YT-81358 allows the function to be adjusted from 0-50% and its duration from 0.0 to 2.0 seconds.
Arc force - adjusts the arc dynamics according to the distance of the electrode from the workpiece. The YT-81358 model has adjustable parameters for this function from -15 to +15%.
Anti stick - cuts off the welding current when the electrode is short-circuited, allowing the electrode to be detached from the weld material.
VRD - the function lowers the idle voltage from around 60 V to a safe level for humans. The YT-81358 has the ability to switch the VRD function on and off.
Modes for electrodes - automatic adjustment of the output voltage for different types of electrodes. The YT-81358 model has preloaded dedicated settings for alkaline (E7018), cellulose (E6010) and rutile (E6013) electrodes.
Overheating protection (fan on demand) - the microprocessor in YT-81358 tests the temperature of critical components in real time. Depending on the temperature, it switches on and controls the fan speed.